Displaying 391 - 420 of 451 in total
Robert talks about discipleship by asking three simple questions and the ripple effect it will have on you and others.
Relational DNA
Robert talks about the importance of how we interact with one another as a church family from the life of Jesus.
Grace is a Game Changer
Kendall talks about how Grace invites us into relationship with God, establishes our identity in Christ, and empowers us to do the will of God.
Many But One
Robert talks about diversity in the church from Ephesians 2.
Life in the Spirit
Robert goes deeper into Ephesians 1 by talking about the Holy Spirit's works in salvation, wisdom and revelation, and power.
Mysteries of God's Will
Robert continues preaching through the book of Ephesians and interviews church member, former SDSU Football Captain and NFL player Russell Allen.
Adopted in Love
Robert preaches on Ephesians 1:1-8 and talks about how God chose us, loves us, and adopted us into His family.
An Easter Production Experience
Sermon included several dramatic elements and video testimonials.
Understanding the Main Story
Robert talks about not getting distracted by the sub-plots of life.
Becoming a Storyteller
Robert shares about the importance of being a good story-teller.
Decision Making God Blesses
Robert shares four references to making godly decisions.
The Blessed Work Life
Kendall talks about how God wants to use you in your workplace.
Radical Giving
Robert talks about being a radical giver even in our times of need.
Spiritual Disciplines to Access the Kingdom
Robert talks about the Spiritual Disciplines of Fasting, Prayer, and Worship
Gods Plan for your Finances
Robert talks about living a life of faith and giving our first fruit to God.
Choose Blessing
Robert encourages us to be people who choose blessings
Drawing Near in Transition
Stefanie Herber (Robert's wife & All Peoples Children's Pastor) talks about drawing near in transition
Is Your Best Time Spent on FaceTime
Robert talks about how to daily spend time with God
Drawing Near to Father God
Robert started a new series and talked about how God marks us with identity, security, and purity
It All Ends with a Party
Robert talked about the eternal party that ends all time
The Occupation of Love
Guest Speakers Joel and Julia A'Bell from Hillsong Australia talk about having an occupation of Love
Your Role in the Party
Robert talked about our role in God's Mega Party!
A Day to Enjoy
Robert talked about the importance and the purpose of the Sabbath