Displaying 31 - 60 of 451 in total
What To Do With Worry | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Philippians 4:5-7 and gives us five things to do when we begin to worry as we conclude our WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND series.
It's Not Supposed to Be This Way | Marcus Jones
Marcus Jones takes us through I Kings 18 & 19 and talks about dealing with disappointment as we continue our WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND series.
Your Posture Matters | Robert Herber
Robert Herber shares two heart postures to win the war and four heart postures that will be opposed by the Lord as we continue our WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND series.
Body Combat | Stefanie Herber
Stefanie Herber takes us through the story of Jacob and shares that our oneness in Christ is our greatest weapon as we continue our WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND series.
Shattering Strongholds | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Acts 16 and shares that God gives us weapons for shattering strongholds as we continue our WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND series.
You Have the Mind of Christ | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through I Corinthians 2 and shares that we are at war, and that the primary battlefield of our war is the mind.
Unconditional Grace | Jason Weatherred
Jason Weatherred takes us through the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 and shares 4 ways that God gives us unconditional, unmerited and unearned grace as we conclu...
Unconditional Timing | Robert Herber
Robert Herber shares that we see 4 displays of time in scripture as we continue our UNCONDITIONAL series.
Unconditional Victory | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through scripture and shares that we have unconditional victory personally and corporately as we continue our UNCONDITIONAL series.
Unconditional Access | Robert Herber
Robert Herber shares that God gives us unconditional access because He wants to be with us, He wants to give us blue prints for what He wants to do on earth, and so we...
Unconditional Joy | Robert Herber
Join in as Robert Herber takes us through scripture and shows us how we can have unconditional joy in Christ as we continue our UNCONDITIONAL series.
Unconditionally Chosen | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through scripture and shows us that we are unconditionally chosen by God as we continue our UNCONDITIONAL series.
It's Time to Draw a Line in the Sand | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through scripture and shares about receiving the unconditional love of Jesus.
Koinonia | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through scripture and shares about Koinonia - The Christian fellowship or body of believers - and the benefits of being in Koinonia.
Four Principles of Biblical Parenting | Robert & Stefanie Herber
Robert & Stefanie Herber take us through scripture and share four practices of intentional parenting as we continue our RELATIONAL 360 series.
Rebranding the Church | Kendall Laughlin
Every brand has promises. As we talk about rebranding the church, Kendall Laughlin highlights three promises God has given the church as a whole.
How to Have a Happy Marriage for Half a Century (Or More) | Joe & Tricia Rhodes
Joe & Tricia Rhodes share three things they've learned about marriage as we continue our RELATIONAL 360 series.
Don't Kiss Dating Goodbye | Hudson Bundschuh
Dating is not the destination. It is the vessel to the destination. Hudson Bundschuh gives us a biblical perspective on dating as we continue our RELATIONAL 360 series.
Relationships Are Like Pickleball | Robert Herber
Healthy relationships are a key factor that determine our happiness in life. Robert Herber takes us through Ephesians 4 and compares healthy relationships to picklebal...
The Agape Tree | Kendall Laughlin
Agape is a Greek term meaning unconditional love. Kendall Laughlin takes us through 1 John 4 and shares that agape is to be our identity, our atmosphere, and a habit a...
Calling America Back to God | Robert Herber
Robert Herber shares four prophetic callings for our nation in this powerful Independence Day message.
The Most Excellent Way | Stefanie Herber
As we continue our SUPERNATURAL series, Stefanie Herber challenges us to pursue spiritual gifts, but also to walk in the most excellent way by taking daily steps of fa...
The Father Heart of God | Marcus Jones
Jesus refers to God as Father 189 times in the four gospels. Special guest Marcus Jones delivers a powerful Father's Day message and shares 4 truths about our Heavenly...
Understanding Motivational Gifts | Joe Rhodes
Joe Rhodes takes us through Romans 12:3-8 and discusses the seven motivational gifts of the spirit as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.
Gift of the Discernment of Spirits | Robert Herber
Evil spirits are real. Robert Herber shows us how the gift of the discernment of spirits is used from a biblical perspective as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.
Gifts of Healing and Miracles | Robert Herber
Robert Herber asks the question "why miracles?" and studies the life of Jesus to answer this question as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.
The God that Reveals Mysteries | Kendall Laughlin
Daniel 2:28 says there's a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. Kendall Laughlin gives us three types of knowledge to thrive in Babylon as we continue our SUPERNATURAL...
Under the Broom Tree | Hannah Weatherred
Hannah Weatherred takes us through 1 Kings 19 and shows us that God will sustain us in difficult times.
The Amazing Gift of Tongues | Robert Herber
Robert Herber gives us a biblical perspective on the gift of tongues as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.
We Can Go Further | Joe Ewen
Special guest Joe Ewen encourages us to pursue love and desire the gift of prophecy as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.