Displaying 61 - 90 of 451 in total
The Gifts are for Building | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through 1 Corinthians 14 and shows us three categories of spiritual gifts as we continue our SUPERNATURAL series.
How Is Your Water Pail? | Robert Herber
Everyone has spiritual gifts. Robert Herber takes us through 1 Corinthians 12 as we kickoff SUPERNATURAL, a series on the gifts of the spirit.
Who Do You Say That I Am? | Robert Herber
Robert Herber talks about one of the most important questions asked in the Bible as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter.
Welcoming Jesus | Robert Herber
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and the triumphal entry of Jesus, Robert Herber takes us through Luke 19 and asks the question "how do we let Him in?"
Believe to Go Beyond | Robert Herber
What you believe will determine what you do. Robert Herber takes us through Numbers 13 & 14 and gives us three things that keep us from inheriting God's promises as we...
Show Me Your Glory | Robert Herber
Have you experienced God's glory? Are you hungry for the living God? Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 33 & 34 as we continue our BEYOND series.
Beyond Homelessness | Gregg Hamann
Special guest Greg Hammond shares that there are 3 blessings required to complete the building of our new church facility as we continue our BEYOND series.
Revival Requires Good Leaders | Robert Herber
What are the keys to a great leader in times of Revival and after? Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 18 and shares what leadership looks like from a biblical persp...
A Jesus Revival | Robert Herber
What does a Jesus revival look like? Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 33 and Luke 4 and shares what revival looks like from a biblical perspective.
Supernatural Faith | Kris Vallotton
Special guest Kris Vallotton closes out Commission Conference talking about supernatural faith.
Beyond the Enemy's Lies & Into Supernatural Provision | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 13-16 and shows us that God plays by a different rule book than the world, as we continue our BEYOND series.
Your Money Mindset | Kendall Laughlin
Kendall Laughlin takes us through Exodus 12 and talks about taking us from behind to beyond, as we continue our BEYOND series.
Beyond Captivity | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 6 and shows us three ways in and four ways out of captivity, as we continue our BEYOND series.
Opposition to the Call | Robert Herber
As we continue our BEYOND series, Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 4 and shows us four common types of opposition we will face when we choose to follow Jesus.
The Call to Go Beyond | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Exodus 3 and gives us five attributes of a divine calling as we kickoff our BEYOND series.
A Modern-Day Parable | Joe Rhodes
Joe Rhodes kicks off the new year with a modern-day parable.
The Keys to Joy at Christmas | Robert Herber
Robert Herber shares that giving is a key to Christmas joy and tells the story of the three wise men from Matthew 2.
Gifts in Your Pain | Robert Herber
Robert Herber kicks off the Christmas season and takes us through Isaiah 9 and Luke 1, sharing that pain is an opportunity for Jesus to intervene.
Purpose in Anxiety | Hudson Bundschuh
Hudson Bundschuh takes us through Exodus 3 and shows us five ways we respond to anxiety.
The Generous Grace of Gratitude | Tricia Rhodes
Pastor Tricia Rhodes is kicking off Thanksgiving week with an inspiring message about gratitude and communion from the book of Leviticus.
We Will Not Bow | Jason Weatherred
Pastor Jason Weatherred shares a powerful message from the story of Daniel about standing firm in your faith, even when culture tells you otherwise.
Keep on Keeping On | Rolland Slade
Special guest Rolland Slade gives us an encouraging message about persistence.
Being a Presence-Centered Person | Kendall Laughlin
Pastor Kendall Laughlin takes us on a prophetic journey through the story of David and the ark of the covenant in 2 Samuel. God calls us to host his presence if we wan...
Our Relational Values | Robert Herber
Robert Herber continues our Relational Wealth series by taking a look at 6 important relational values found in Romans 12.
You're in the Middle of Your Story | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Ruth 4 as we conclude our Relational Wealth series.
Friends That Change the World | James Racine
James Racine dives into John 15 and Jesus' model for friendships that impact the globe as we continue our "Relational Wealth" series.
Relational Wealth in Your Workplace | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Ruth 4 as we continue our Relational Wealth series.
Finding Your Booaz | Robert Herber
Robert Herber takes us through Ruth 3 and discusses romantic relationships as we continue our Relational Wealth series.
Relational Rules | Robert Herber
When you're driving down the road, you appreciate that there are certain rules everyone is expected to follow (like driving not he right side of the road and stopping ...
Friends in Low Places | Robert Herber
You don't have to come from a perfect family or be in favorable circumstances to experience healthy, fulfilling relationships. This weekend, Robert Herber takes us thr...